What if we don't evolve education?

WHAT IF we don’t evolve education our educational system to meet the needs of our modern world and today’s society. This is something that directly affects all of us, so you can’t really bury your head and ignore the fact that our schools aren’t accomplishing what they should be. We all go to school, in the U.S., and your children and grandchildren will all go to school. Einstein told us: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.”

Think about that for a minute. Einstein was no dummy. Maybe the question should be: Are we thinking? My first six years of teaching was in a progressive, experimental school…the result being I learned to think outside the box regarding how we educate.

As I mentioned in my last blog, since I firmly believe changing how we educate is the answer to solving the problems we face in our society and around the world, I have outlined a “blueprint” to revolutionize education which will soon be published by The Reporters, Inc.

In my next few blogs I will dangle some snippets from the longer piece to, hopefully, draw your interest. I know so many feel powerless today, but with constipation so prevalent in government, most of the changes to better our lives will need to come from grassroots involvement.

Here’s my first dangle with a note from the editor: 

Former junior and high school teacher Tim Munkeby thinks America’s education system needs an overhaul, a facelift, a complete re-thinking. And so, he’s formulated his thoughts and ideas about change and improvement into a plan, a blueprint if you will, consisting of five stages. You could call it Idyllic, or utopian, even outrageous. Maybe untenable. Regardless, folks like embattled U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos might want to take note.