Why Write?

Q: Why, after working long, hard hours at two careers, teaching and financial planning, spend free time writing? Isn’t it time to take it easy, golf, relax?

A: I wonder that myself. So does my wife…except it isn’t golf she has in mind. With an older, cedar shake lodge, a boathouse, two garages, and five cabins there’s plenty of upkeep: always something to fix, maintain…including her beautiful but extensive gardens.

Writing is, actually, hard work, but, I do get in some golf with friends and family. I’ve always preached balance to anyone that had the time to listen. Work (or at least feeling you’re still contributing something), friends, and, most importantly, family all contribute to good health. The only time this gets out of whack is when I’m alone at the lake: that’s when I get most of my writing done. Although, still, in the summer I make sure I get in a walk in the woods, a kayak, and/or a bike ride every day. In the winter I snow shoe or cross country ski every day. I’m fortunate to have my own trail carved out of the woods.

The only thing I don’t do often is sit…unless to read or write. As I get older I feel if I’m moving I’ll keep moving…and that includes my mind. I do feel after years of accumulating so much scat, we all acquire DRS: Delayed Recollection Syndrome. I have confidence I will ultimately remember shit…just not when I’m trying to. But, if I keep the wheels oiled, hopefully they’ll keep rolling.